It’s raining biopic on Tamil Nadu’s late Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa. Many filmmakers had expressed their wish to make a movie on her life and at least five movies have been announced. The latest, if materialises, might be bigger than others. It is simply because of the presence of Bollywood actress Kajol Devgn and Amala Paul. Rumours are floating in the industry that Kethireddy Jagadeeswara Reddy  who is the Tamil Nadu Telugu Yuvasakthi President and also film director, will  approach Kajol Devgn to play the role of J Jayalalithaa, while Amala Paul for the character of Jaya’s close aide Sasikala  who is now serving her four-year imprisonment in the disproportionate case, in the movie called SASI LALITHA .

However, there is no official confirmation on the two actresses accepting or rejecting the offer. A poster of the movie was released recently.

It has to be noted that the same director had earlier claimed that he would be doing a biopic on NTR and his wife Lakshmi Parvathi. Interestingly, Amala Paul’s ex-husband AL Vijay is doing a biopic on J Jayalalithaa titled Thalaivi which has Kangana Ranaut in the lead role. Among the six, only AL Vijay’s movie and Priyadarshini’s Iron Lady, which has Nithya Menon and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in the roles of Jaya and Sasikala, Kethireddy Jagadeeswara Reddy, Lingusamy, Ram Gopal Varma and Bharathiraaja are the other filmmakers who are interested to make a biopic on J Jayalalithaa.

Former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa is the only public figure in India on whom multiple biopics are being made/planned and all the films are in the making. Sasi Lalitha director,producerJagadeesiswara Reddy is also very close associate of Jayalalitha

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